Today feels different 

January 4th, 2016, 7:38 AM by Goddess

My Monday morning project is postponed to Tuesday this week. So that’s a good feeling. But it’s bigger than that.  

My realtor is already on the lookout for my next house. Not to say I won’t end up with the fourth dud in a row. (I remember loving my last three apartments in Alexandria/Rockville, so it isn’t just me.)  But, you know, it’s a step out if not forward. 

There’s probably more wrong than right in my world. But I am looking at it the opposite way. I have more blessings than I can notice. So I’m going to start really seeing them and appreciating them more. 

I half-assed did the 100 Happy Days challenge last year. I got to day 14 when the Thundercunts moved out and I figured all was going to be well. I assumed wrong. 

But I can make the days good. Just as long as I don’t hide in my work like usual and let all the promise of each day go to pot when I get home and get lost in the Housewives episode/season du jour.  Which, given how early I have to get up for tomorrow’s project, is sounding pretty likely at this point. 

100 Happy Days Challenge

November 4th, 2015, 10:58 AM by Goddess

I started doing it yesterday on Faceypages. It’s the only way to pull myself out of this funk. 

Here’s a positive for today. I got five hours of uninterrupted sleep. A recent record!

Speaking of Faceypages, I am reminded of all the cool people I’ve ever worked with. They invited me into their homes, gave me good wine, let me get close to their spouses and kids (and fur kids), encouraged me to borrow their vacation homes and call them for sports tickets, etc.  

I’ve worked hard at the job I did for them and worked just as hard at building these relationships.  And it’s nice to see that even after years have gone by, they still remember me fondly. 

I don’t do that anymore. I stopped being too buddy-buddy with people recently. I don’t know people’s kids’ names. They don’t know my situation either. I hate it but it’s better this way for now. 

One day I’ll be able to talk about it. Probably after congress stops badgering Hillary about her e-mails. Let’s just say I may or may not be in a position to understand how she feels, having vultures picking apart the scraps of a life you’ve put together. 

In any event, my happy item for today is streetside sangria …