Dec 2 – Four of Cups – Accept the Refill

December 2nd, 2022, 9:34 AM by Goddess

On the second day of December, the tarot advent calendar said to me …

This year, whatever feels special to you is where the magic is.

Makes me think about what I wrote for day one of the advent calendar — what is my calling, if not this?

I think my calling is within this. I’ve loved having a hand in 40 different pots for the past 20 years.

But after two decades, having a skill set that’s an inch deep and a mile wide is disconcerting.

Being 30-ish for so long, I’m accepting that there are fewer years left than have been lived. That maybe the bucket list needs to be shorter or I need to start checking things off faster.

I think the pandemic taught me to find wonder in the ordinary. But it also taught me to stop seeking magic. Including my own, but mostly in others.

Where I expect to find magic is in an odd place … in discipline. That’s my word for 2023.

Lately I’ve been too tired to do anything that brings joy or satisfaction. So I give myself grace for doing the bare minimum, since my minimum is not others’ minimum.

But, this period of grace could last forever, as I’m still tired. I think the way to get un-tired is to do more. Rather, do different things, and more of them.

I wouldn’t say it’s a matter of finding magic in the mundane.

Now, lord knows I’ve read enough mundane tweets from enough mundane people to know there ain’t no magic there. And never will be.

But maybe the magic is in actively seeking it beyond what already happens on its own.

So when that cloud hands me yet another cup, as it always does, I’m “saying yes instead of no,” as T-Swift sang.

Except to meetings. God, what has been most wonderful about the last two weeks was getting rid of the useless meetings and conversations and people (just two, really) I do my level best to avoid.

How do I zap the time sucks and fill that time with more joyful things? Talk about a life resolution, not just a New Year’s one.

Dec 1 – Ace of Wands – Start a Fire and Let it Burn Bright

December 2nd, 2022, 9:20 AM by Goddess

On the first day of December, the tarot advent calendar said to me …

You are Boss Santa, in charge of a magical run-up to the big day. What do you want to happen? What are you most looking forward to? What new activities or traditions could you try this year? What foreseeable snags or pitfalls do you want to ditch or delegate?

That’s a lot to unpack. Too much, really.

What am I looking forward to? How about not forgetting to buy turkey, as I did on Thanksgiving. Definitely don’t want to make “going to McDonald’s” a tradition.

The sad part is I was on vacation and had nothing BUT time to shop for everything else. Oy!

I like this whole “getting paid to not work” business. I intend to repeat it for Christmas. Preferably far, far away from here.

I’ve been closely following Christina Applegate and her battle with MS as she works on “Dead to Me.”

She’s worried this will be her last project, as her condition worsens and will impact her ability to be active for long periods of time.

She worries that she can ONLY work five hours a day.

A five-hour marathon sounds awesome.

I mean, yeah, she’s used to working all day and night. I used to be used to that, too. But I don’t want that anymore.

So I guess when thinking about what I would change for upcoming and future holidays, feeling OK with “just” working five hours seems like a good goal to have.

I mean, it probably means getting a different job and getting used to having less money. But it’s something I think increasingly more about.

I’ve been enjoying being supervisor/psychic healer to 25. But they keep talking about hiring someone to take the crypto half of the duties. Which makes me sad because that team is growing on me. But if I had my way about it, I’d pick one franchise (out of the remaining four) to really blow out of the water.

I always say “if I were editorial director, I’d …”

That’s what I’d do. Focus. Ditch the hags … I mean snags … and not need two weeks to try to recuperate from utter and complete exhaustion.

There’s a new goal for the new year. Not save up all my days and need a whole damn month to recuperate from burnout.

As for what to look forward to, I guess that depends on what I’m allowed to do.

Or maybe I’m allowed to do more (or, for the purpose of this conversation, LESS) than I think.

As one of my favorite seers wrote, “Use your energy to its best ability.”