‘I’m due back on the planet earth’

April 14th, 2015, 9:31 PM by Goddess

I totally destroyed an article sent my way today. 

One of my people was having trouble with one of the images in the piece (I had rebuilt all the other charts) so I sent her the original file. 

She said holy shit, it was a whole new article after I got done with it. She said she had no idea what I do without anyone knowing. 

I asked if that was good and she said yes, a thousand percent better.  She said I am very fluent in speaking (language name redacted). 

I wonder what I’ll do then these (redacted) are gone. What has earth been like while I was off tending to them?

Worst Day Ever

April 14th, 2015, 12:42 PM by Goddess

Editing a painful article in one screen, and editing someone’s edits of the painful article on another screen.

And trying to put helpful comments and edits in both.

One for publication and one to surely confuse, frustrate and annoy.

I wouldn’t need so much help if the original writer weren’t STILL arguing with me over how “I WRITE GOOD.”

No point to any of it. It’s just a shame that the “editing of edits” is the part that makes me the craziest.