It’s all about me, part deux

July 10th, 2014, 3:26 PM by Goddess

I thought having a new sidekick would mean I’d get more done.

Yeah, I’ve never been more behind in my life.

This is why I can’t have a kid. Once the new-and-shiny wears off and I have to figure out what to do with it, I’d probably be leaving it at the fire station down the block.

Since that isn’t an option, it’s time to start breaking spirits … and breaking INTO spirits … and all will be well in my little fiefdom again.

It’s all about me

July 10th, 2014, 1:16 PM by Goddess

I try to avoid talking about work (because, repercussions). But I have to say, I just got an all-staff memo that reminds us to be mindful about cussing too loudly and I wanted to ask why they didn’t just tell me directly about it.

I assume it’s about me. I assume everything is about me. Because, who the hell else is anything about?

I remember when a friend and I got in trouble in high school, and our parents got accosted on parent-teacher day by the foulest-mouthed pipsqueak of a “teacher” (and boy do I use air quotes for her) who complained about our language.

Let me say, I learned some new words from her!

The good news was, our families basically said fuck off to her.

In any event, I don’t have that strong of a reaction now. But I do want to helpfully say that if there weren’t so many REASONS to swear, I could perhaps curb it a bit.

Oh well. Cuss less, drink more. I am a problem-solver like that.