Holiday ham
After more than a year, I finally FINALLY got some of my beloved turkey from the Honeybaked Ham store. Grandma always gets it for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but this year, she moved during Thanksgiving and there were NO care packages for me. Bitches!
But this year, not only did Grandma send a bunch o' turkey home with Mommy for me, she also cut it up into tiny morsels so that my delicate little mouth could savor them as soon as the 'ho walked in the door after her four-hour drive!
Grandma also sent some holiday ham home with Mommy. They don't usually think to share it with me, as I am a turkey fiend. But today, Mommy was getting some for herself and she decided to give me some tiny pieces. And I LOVED it! So she cut some up and put it into both my bowl and Kadi's.
But as I'd already had a sneak preview of how good that ham tasted, I not only went to MY bowl to clean it out of ham (I ignored the turkey that was also in it!), but I also went to Kadi's bowl to eat HER ham, too!
Just because I now eat (everybody's) ham, though, Mommy had NO right to call me "Piggy"!
Oh well. Happy New Year, and may your litterbox overflow with joy and poop!
For a foul mouth kitty I was certainly expecting more...well...foul! What gives. This is false advertising. Until you're pissed of about something and willing to be a bitchy kitty then consider a different name. And this is not the egg nog talking.
Consider a different name? Than what, "I Crap in a Box" or "Maddie"? The cat isn't "pissed of" about anything, BTW. Pissed off or pissed on, however, now that's a different matter altogether.
Besides, too much swearing attracts bots and other trolls and results in them clogging the comment box. Case in point. *mwah!*
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