
I took better pix on Friday, but for lack of anything intelligent to say today, I just wanted to post more weekend photos:

I hung out at the Ice Rink on Saturday at the National Gallery of Art. It’s fun to watch people fall down:

While at the NGO, I hung out with the Thinker on a Rock. Best conversation I’ve had in minutes:

I spent the rest of the day at the Hirshhorn because, well, museums are free and that’s my favorite anyway. Hooray. I didn’t get any pix there because all I wanted to photograph was butter and the guard got mad. There was an intriguing Ann Mendieta exhibit. She liked to be naked and use blood in her work. Disturbing but fascinating.

Anyway, Maddie knows I’m broke, so she offered for me to return her to Amazon to see what 17 pounds of puss would pay:

But as her ass didn’t fit in the box (and why she thought it would is anybody’s guess!), she decided to wipe said behind on my Writer’s Digest when I told her to go find a job:

One more tree shot from Market Square on King Street. Because Old Town Alexandria rocks:

On iTunes: Ren and Stimpy, “We Wish You a Hairy Chestwig”

2 Responses to Scrapbook

  1. A.McSholty :

    You hang in there. You’re in my thoughts, I know this isn’t an easy time for you. But as one who has been at the bottom of her barrel, I know you will climb back out…or at least out the hole in the bottom. πŸ˜‰ I certainly did.

    I have dreams of ice skating on that rink…but the hub is terrified of ice skating given the last time he went he wound up in the emergency room. And I ain’t skating any time soon. I kinda want to go to the Hirschorn, it’s one of my faves too. If you’ve gotta a recipe for pepper pot soup, send it my way, I’m going to make hub make me some while I’m laid up. πŸ™‚

  2. Anonymous :

    Nice pics. Thanks for sharing! I like the Thinker one.

    Of course, naked and blood is always disturbingly interesting. And while I am all for disturbing … and definitely all for naked … that series she did with the skeleton in the park is just downright creepy.

    Seriously … naked.
