Get it while I’m it’s hot!

I promised to share some driving music. This is only for people who can multi-task. 😉

Get ’em while I’m they’re hot — I’m only going to leave them up ’til tonight (Update: all gone! But more will come!) because they’re bandwidth hogs. If you can, right-click-save-as. But for those of us with optical, no-button Mac mouses, well, know that I love you for your choice of operating platform and invite you to use all the bandwidth you want. 😉

Now, on with the ‘ho show! See the track name by running your mouse over it — I’m committing some white-collar crime and am trying to NOT be found! 😉

Can’t Get You Off My Mind, Lenny Kravitz
All Night Long, SWV
Essence, Lucinda Williams
Kissing You, Faith Evans
RightTimeOfTheNight, Jennifer Warnes
Everybody Here Wants You, Jeff Buckley
Freak Me, Silk
Taste, Melissa Ferrick
Drive, Melissa Ferrick
Ooh Baby La La La, Shije
Nice And Slow — Booty Bass Remix, Usher

(Note: Much gratitutde to Lach, Swirl and GrooveBunny for introducing me to some of these!)

On iTunes: Rob Thomas, “Lonely No More”

3 Responses to Get it while I’m it’s hot!

  1. House Butch :

    Yes! Great gift. I right-click-saved and am listening now.

    I am waiting here for more….

  2. Erica :

    No prob. And thanks for sharing. 🙂

  3. Anonymous :

    Glad to be able to have suggested a few. And it’s a great list btw! 🙂groovebunny