Bad fur day
I never DREAMED I'd say this, but it looks like I need a bath! Fuck!

Mommy just bought herself a camera phone, and here I am sitting on her shoulder today. I hate the bitch for cropping her scraggly ass out of the shot and leaving my scraggly ass intact.
The good news is that I left a wet shit print on her shoulder AND on the couch. Hah! The new year's off to its usual auspicious start!
Dear Miss Maddie,
On the contrary, I think you look very glamorous.
Camera phones always seem like a good idea in the store... then you get a just-woke-up shot like this one and the regrets are that the manual doesn't tell you how to ERASE the pictures. =( Better luck next time Maddie.
I like the shit print idea! I usually just bare ass my mom's arm, leg or face--basically any skin that is visible.
When I learn to use my tiny thumb, I'm going to start taking pictures of HER when she's sleeping.
I look like shit with bed-head!
We think you look just fine Miss Maddie! It is rude for humans to take pictures of their cats so we think you should let your human know how you feel. But otherwise, it's not really a bad picture.
Hey I have 7 really fat kitties. I have three big ass 30 gallon rubbermaid bins for litter boxes. I fill them about a third of the way with clumping litter, so when I scoop, I get the pee and the poop. My cats can easily fit into the bins, and the high sides prevent overspray. Also, I save the lids incase I have to travel with one or two. I also have a step-stool next to the litterboxes so the lard-asses can get in the bins easier. The cats love it, and it makes mom's life easier, too. By the way, my newest kittie looks just like your Kadi, but mine has 23 toes (yes, she's a freak with thumbs,and we have to hide the can-openers and lighters). I named her Princess Kadi, after yours.
Holy crap, minimedic, I never laughed so hard at a comment on this page! Thank you for that, and for the homage to Princess Kadi. I'm so pleased. My Kadi would be too if she had a thought rolling through her widdle head. ;)
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