Election Day coverage

After the madness of finding a parking spot (20 minutes! Ugh!) and standing in a line that went out the door, down the hill and into Arlington, I finally got to cast my vote. Yay! Below are scenes from my neighborhood in honor of the day.

Kittens for Kerry! (aka my Bad Kitty who got out yesterday)

Seen along my drive today …

Gratuitous boob shot — so you can see my “I Voted” sticker, sillies! 😉

3 Responses to Election Day coverage

  1. Anonymous :

    Hey, I’m wearing that exact same “I voted in Alexandria” sticker right now! Except it doesn’t look quite as smoking hot on me as it does on you.


  2. Dawn :

    *rofl* Smoking hot? Oh, Dan, you’re such a card. 😉 LOL.

    I am highly disappointed, though, that the design on the shirt didn’t come through. It’s actually a sparkly American flag. Next time, I will just forego the shirt in its entirety!

  3. chris hayes :

    Damn girl you look HOT!!!!