Banner day … and a bonus rant!


Banner day. w00t! Haven’t had one of these in a looong time, so bear with. 🙂

Heard from someone today whom I’ve been missing. As usual, he built me up and said everything I needed to hear — and, considering how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other, it amazed me how in-tune we still are with each other. I actually cried … big, warm, happy tears. I wish I could have hugged him, for as happy as his words made me.

Have had a couple of really good, busy, triumphant days at work. Cool Boss said that another team member was praising me to him. That felt ridiculously good, and I was appreciative that he passed the compliments along. Fuck, a past boss only told me when she determined that I was an “embarrassment” or a “disappointment.” (Reason #450 to hate female bosses.)

I have an e-mail from someone who offered me a BIG freelance assignment. I went into hiding because, even though I REALLY need the money and I think the assignment would totally rock socks, I don’t know where I will find the energy at this time to take on this project. It’s kind of interesting — I just spent the last few months interviewing like a fiend for the right job, and after all the assholes who didn’t have the courtesy to call me back, it’s now my turn to decide whether or not to return the messages. That’s an awesome position to be in.

Speaking of interviewing, I keep debating about posting what a hellish crusade that was. Because, of course, I want to name names and let people know what I really thought of their pathetic jobs/personalities/offers and how glad I am that I either turned them down or that they weren’t smart enough to snag me.


If you want to read the rants, I can make them available again, but those have been live long enough and the vitriol is out of my system. I was frustrated from having applied for 120 jobs over the course of five months and was getting sick of being talked down to, sized up and otherwise made to jump when they said so. The bottom line is that I got a lot of experience with interviewing and even more familiarity with the D.C. Metro area — not to mention a whole new intimate knowledge of myself and insight into my previous actions — and those are the plusses that I am taking with me after all is said and done.

I am, however, leaving the following part of the post intact, because I mean it wholeheartedly:

Dear Everyone Else in D.C., Virginia and Maryland,

Thank you for not making me an offer. Also, thank you for not PISSING me off like the aforementioned. But, most of all, thank you for ensuring I was available when Cool Boss called and said he wanted to hire me right away before someone else was smart enough to get me first.

On iTunes: Staind, “It’s Been Awhile”

3 Responses to Banner day … and a bonus rant!

  1. Anonymous :

    When I got out the military I interviewed at a bank. When the head of IT mentioned what computer system they were using I snickered and asked how long before they joined the current century.

    Oops. Bad move, she was the one who decided to go in that direction.

    I’d already decided I couldn’t work there after the first three people *started* by telling me what the dress code was.


  2. Bayou :

    Jeez, I sure hope I never piss you off! 😉

  3. Dawn :

    Heh. I hope this post doesn’t get me fired — I had a lot of residual anger over being unemployed (without the unemployment checks) for five months!

    Bayou: I got lucky with my new digs. I really did, and I know it. And I don’t want to take any bad feelings/karma into it, so I’m spewing the vitriol here so I don’t accidentally pack it in with my lunch!

    I love that story, Ted. Sad, but loved it anyway. But if we’re going to butt heads with potential superiors within 10 minutes into the interview, it’s a flashing neon sign to leave and be grateful to not have to deal with that crap every day till the end of time.