This qualifies as a recurring nightmare

So I thought I’d join another Meetup group, after the failure that my one foray into Meetup in South Florida turned out to be. (Who knew that plastic surgery qualifies you into admission for a singles group aimed at 35-year-olds? You’re still NOT 35!!!)

Anyway, I remember some asshole at that event not paying the tip on our shared tab. I remember him because when I joined the new group (which promised to be a younger demographic. Hah), he sent me an e-mail to REMIND ME who he was and to say he’d hoped to invite me to something else but I’d vanished and was never heard from again.

Until now.

FUCK! I hate small towns.

One Lonely Response to This qualifies as a recurring nightmare

  1. Mel :

    That is awesome. Not being a good tipper means I will never see you on purpose again.