Putting the H in wine

Remember when I paid $15 for a glass of Estancia pinot noir?

I found ESTANCIA PINOT NOIR at Wegman’s (which is God’s gift to grocery shopping) for $14.99 a bottle. A BOTTLE …

… which I of course bought when I saw it. 😉

Now, I know the wine I had at the restaurant on Friday was an older vintage (I picked up a 2007 and plan to let it age), and it came from the vineyard’s “Pinnacles” collection, which seems to be worth about $30 a bottle.

You know, it’s hard trying to be a sommelier on an Arbor Mist budget!

2 Responses to Putting the H in wine

  1. ms7168 :

    Isn’t that typical to charge around the bottle price for a glass in restaurants? And then also inflate the bottle price?

  2. Lachlan :

    Yes, you can expect the exact price differential, especially in an expensive area of the country like DC. Here in Seattle, it’s a little less, say $7-8 a glass and the bottle retails in Safeway or something for $19. (To cite my most recent sampling of a Pinot, as an example.)