Breathe in, breathe out

I’m looking for a paper bag to breathe into because I’m about to pass out.

I need a vacation more than oxygen itself. I want a new car.

But for the first time in my life, I have a savings account. And I like that security.

But …

When I wasn’t working a few years ago, the credit card companies refused to talk to me about my hardship. They said they wouldn’t try to make arrangements until I started missing payments. Hahaha — I showed them. I stopped paying EVERYTHING.

And who the hell can get back into the groove of paying when you’re barely making it anyway? What, give up what little luxuries I do enjoy to pay bills to people who didn’t care that I was about to be living on the streets, just so long as I paid my 22% interest on those groceries?

Anyway, Citibank has been following me around and calling about 70 times a month and spending more on postage than I owed on my card. Finally — finally — they came up with a 50%-off offer from my balance (about $1,000 of which is interest from AFTER I STOPPED PAYING). And I said sold — I’ll take it.

I just cleaned out my savings and paid the three-year-old bill. Whew. Oh my god, I’m so broke, it isn’t even funny. But to have that thick, dry dildo removed from my asshole? Priceless. My va-jay-jay is no longer painin’ over that dilemma.

Sure, I still need a vacation and I don’t have any emergency money. But I’ll earn more — I just have to figure out how to spend less when I don’t spend all that much in the first place.

Anyway, I don’t know whether to shit or go sailing right about now; I would, however, like to crawl into a fetal position under my desk and suck my thumb for awhile. But if this bullshit doesn’t help my fucked-up credit score, nothing will, and that’s the only reason why I did it. The new car can wait until the duct tape stops holding this one together, right?

2 Responses to Breathe in, breathe out

  1. Lachlan :

    Two things come to mind:

    1. You’re ALWAYS spending more than you think you are. Trust me on this.

    2. Join a credit union, if you can. It will help you repair your credit rating, and they often have free financial management classes.

    Hang in there, doll. Settling and paying them off, even one at a time, will help.

  2. Valbee :

    I’m with Lachlan on joining a credit union. When you establish a good relationship with them, they will jump through hoops to help you.

    It’s fine that you’re settling with the credit card company, but remember that this will show up on your credit report as well, and it doesn’t reflect positively. So, if there’s anything you’ve disputed, don’t settle. But do contact the credit reporting agencies and let them know you dispute the account. I learned this the hard way, unfortunately.

    I switched long distance companies years ago but the change was never completed properly. I was getting bills from the new company every month (a flat rate), but about three months later, I received a whopping statement from the old company. Because the switch had never been complete and I was essentially without a long distance service, they were charging me something like $3.75 per minute. I refused to pay and was sent to collection. That in itself was a potential lawsuit, had I known then what I know now. I received a call and after arguing with the bitch for several minutes, I hung up. My phone rang and when I answered it, it was collection bitch, who screamed “Pay the bill!” and hung up on me. TOTALLY illegal.

    Anyway, long story short, they offered to settle with me for half the cost later on. I took the offer, thinking that it would resolve the issue without affecting my credit. But it doesn’t show as paid on your credit report – it shows as settled, which is not the same thing.

    And because I’ve also had a nightmare with your iPhone wireless company, please be VERY careful with them. If you ever run into any issues, document all of it in writing. They like to lie. They too, offered a settlement. I said no, because I do not owe them the money. They threatened to report it to the credit agencies. I told them to go ahead and I would file a dispute. This happened in 2004. Did I mention I just bought a car 18 months ago? With a 5% interest rate? I’m pretty sure it’s not on my credit report, because they know as well as I do that I don’t owe them the money. 🙂

    Sorry for the long-winded comment. As soon as I can remember the name of the book I read where I learned all of this stuff about consumer rights, I’ll email it to ya. I’m not advocating running out on bills, but when tough times hit, it’s important to know what you can do to help yourself.