Mark yer calendars, kiddies, for Steak & BJ Day!!!

Yes, boys, that’s right. To thank you for a Valentine’s Day that your gal will (hopefully) remember fondly, you’re entitled to the latest craze in Hallmark holidays, Steak & BJ Day, designated for March 20.

“March 20th is now officially ‘Steak & Blowjob Day.’

“Simple, effective and self-explanatory … this holiday has been created so your ladies can have a day to show your man just how much you love him. No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town — the name of the holiday explains it all … just a steak and a BJ. That’s it.

“This twin pairing of Valentine’s Day and Steak & Blowjob Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere will try THAT much harder in February to ensure a more memorable March! It’s like perpetual love machine.”

Or, like I like to think of it, the all-you-can-eat-T-Bone-delight-night. Have a steak for dinner, and lick the bone for dessert!!!

So, who wants to be my Valentine?!?!

Link via the Bacon Blogging Game — started with Tiff, who got it via Dave who got it via Diana. Whew!

Note to self: Dave suggests honoring Valentine’s Day as “Go Down on Her Day.” Where can I MEET men like this?!?!

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