A summary of my Valentine’s Day …

1. Bounty of gifts, voicemails and valentines from my mom and grandfather.

2. Bounty of “awwww, how sweet!”s from both Shan and me when reading someone’s website entry about me.

2. I was the talk of the office with …

The card reads “From a Friend” …

Yellow roses tipped with red/fuschia in my office …

And they looked great in Kumquat’s office, too …

The card is clear enough to see — this one was on my car …

Thanks to the smokers from finance who saw it before I did!

I got a call to run downstairs to look at my car. They didn’t tell me it was a good surprise!

3. An online greeting from my Intrigued Reader …

Virtual Rose

4. Celebration with Shan over the fact that we BOTH received pretty flowers!

The card was the sweetest sentiment of love ever written,

but I am not at liberty to share it here. 😉 But see the flowers:

5. Lovely “dinner and ‘Daredevil'” night out with a special new friend. One wouldn’t have guessed that it was our first in-person meeting. Ladies, chivalry is not dead, that’s all I’ve got to say.

6. Wonderful follow-up note this morning from the chivalrous one, including a special website link.

‘Twas the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had!

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