As it has been awhile, much has happened, but I will attempt to be brief.

Computer: Is costing me four fucking hundred dollars to fix, between the modem and some other thingamadoohickey that went nuts when lightning struck. Yay. I already gave them $100; do I pay car payment or this?

Family: Rushed Grampy to Emergency Room at VA Hospital on Saturday. What a joke … they don’t have an emergency department; he wasn’t seen till Monday, and they confused him with another patient, three doors down, with the same full name (but different ethnicity); thus, he was sent for tests and treatments that were not for him. I’ve been at the hospital pretty much constantly ever since, except for going to work yesterday. They discharged him today; I fought the doctor and said I never thought people’s health could get WORSE in a hospital. The doctors/nurses really came to respect me … you could see that I knocked her off her center, and she said that I was welcome to challenge his discharge. I said he’d be better off at home, lest he get any worse within the confines of that hellhole. So many signs there say “Veterans First.” My ass. Oh, BTW, he had a mini-seizure in the car with Mom and me on Saturday. The medical “professionals” told us we must have imagined that because it doesn’t seem like he seized, but he was going into acute renal failure due to a med they gave him last month. Un-fucking-real.

YKW: Haven’t seen him in a day or so. Miss him greatly. Saw him Friday. Hugged him so tightly. Felt wonderful with him running his hands up and down my back. 😀

Brat and CTL: I had joked that last Friday was my birthday; Brat later looked in my ADP file and busted me. He said that he and CTL were planning to do something in honor of my b-day, but now I am not getting anything from them because I lied. 😉 I said, yeah, like they were really planning something, since he said this at 2 p.m. on Friday, my supposed b-day.

Brat: I was sorry to miss one of his last days of work today, but I was up at 4 a.m. working on a proposal that has to be in the mail on Thursday that will NEVER be finished.

Lab Rat: More pissed than ever about work. F/OM was to apologize for annual report nightmare, but has not bothered. It became my fault, anyway, that I lost the communication somewhere.

Grammar Classes: I have to take a grammar class for work. HaHaHaHaHaHaHa. Told F/OM I could teach the fucking thing. Lab Rat says each seat in the class costs $125, and our budget is still in deficit mode. Joke.

Self: Exhausted as all hell. Cried all weekend over YKW, Grampy, work, finances, etc. Think I’m gonna do the DC move after all, not because I feel like being poor as a church mouse again (:::sob::: I was so happy actually being able to afford basic necessities).

Music of the Moment: Melissa Etheridge, “It’s For You” (see below)

“I will be with you tonight

I will be with you a thousand miles away

I will be with you tonight

I will be with you as long as you say, stay.

Oh, a little piece of my soul

A little piece of my whole … life

I give to you

Take it now, it’s for you.”

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