I am such a dipshit. I deleted two of my AOL accounts (because AOL sucks ass), and I lost my favorite webpage, “Metaphoria.” I am such an asshole! I also lost Maddie’s webpage. Lovely. Absolutely lovely.

In better news, I secured the domain www.caterwauling.com, and I signed up for web hosting from Qwik.net. Now, I will hail to the Geek Goddess, Lab Rat, for further instruction! And I will be able to get rid of AOL for good! Take that, fuckers!!!

Just bought a beautiful silver jewelry armoire online. I used to work in a jewelry store (and robbed it blind, as well!), so I have more jewelry than China has rice. Can’t pass up a pretty piece of sterling silver, either (no gold here, baby! silver is cheap, pretty and plentiful!), so I will finally have a home for all the rings, toe rings, bracelets, anklets, necklaces, earrings and whatever the fuck else I have picked up over the years. Would you believe that I bought earrings BEFORE I had three holes drilled into my ears? At any rate, let’s hope the credit card doesn’t explode because of this new purchase … I think I put it over the limit this time. THIS is why I can’t take a lower-paying job … my daily bouts of retail therapy are spiraling out of control! Maybe if I had a man to keep me busy, I wouldn’t be practicing plastic calisthenics online!!!

Off to shower to meet my pals at Remo’s. Woo hoo! Best place in Pittsburgh!!! It’s cheap, fast and easy … much like the author of this page!

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