I Crap In a Box

I'm Maddie, a fabulous foul-mouthed Calico from Washington, D.C. I sleep, whine and poop a lot. Swearing like a sailor and vomiting like a supermodel round out my typical day. Tormenting my sister also warms my heart!

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Turds 'n' fur

Alternate title: Cat wash

This is a bad day at Maddie's house. Mommy decided to give Kadi and me baths today. Bitch!

Luckily, she uses those pre-moistened bath cloths -- no more soaking Maddie in the sink for her! (I used to make sure that she would get just as wet as I was!). It only took her one cloth to clean up Kadi (and sadly, Kadi's ever-present fart smell never really went away. *shudder*), but it took THREE cloths to clean me up. Three! Mommy said it's because I have a big fat furry ass. Fuck you, Mommy!

It was awful. Mommy told me that I stunk, so it was bath time. Ugh! She ended up pulling out two huge turds from my mass of ass fur. Ouchie! That HURT! And then, as if I hadn't been disgraced enough, she got out the kitty brush and comb and started grooming me. She even got out the scissors and cut out a bunch of my fur clumps. Let me tell you how much I HATE it when she uses all those tools!!! Jeebus, she must've pulled out a pound of fur, and she was feeling bad because I was howling. (Of course, I howl when she uses the scissors, which never even touch my skin, so she doesn't know when I'm really hurting; thus, she keeps up the torture.)

And although now I am prettier than ever and smelling really clean, I still hate the bitch. But she has a rule in her house: only clean, well-manicured pussies at all times! 'Cause ya never know when a tomcat's gonna stop by. But in her case (like in mine and Kadi's), there ain't never gonna be no tomcats stopping by to visit her horny ass. 'Cause she's a loser. But she keeps hoping and wishing, anyway. Asshole!


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