I Crap In a Box

I'm Maddie, a fabulous foul-mouthed Calico from Washington, D.C. I sleep, whine and poop a lot. Swearing like a sailor and vomiting like a supermodel round out my typical day. Tormenting my sister also warms my heart!

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Rain, Rain Go Away

It's raining
It's pouring
Mommy's out whoring.

Actually, the bitch is sittin' her fat ass on the couch, where it's been parked for the past two weeks since her surgery. :)

She's been sleeping more than ME! My goodness, I didn't think it was possible!

Mommy was gonna go get Short Bus Cat from Aunt Bryan and Aunt Paul, but she didn't feel well enough to drive to Arlington today. *whew* They have her locked in her cage most of the time, as she's still being a little shit to Itchy and Phillip. In fact, they just call her "Little Shit" now.

They said that she plays catch. Have you ever heard of a cat who plays catch? Sheesh. What a goofball. They said they throw a ball and she retrieves it, and that's about the only five minutes of each day that they are amused by her.

I can tell Mommy misses her, but I have been extra-good so that Mommy doesn't get the weird idea to bring her back here for good. That would suck ass, big time.

I've been sitting inside the balcony today -- in the black velvet cushiony bed that Mommy had bought for Short Bus. We have the sliding doors open, and we're enjoying the 38 mph winds. Mommy always taught me to be calm during storms, so I am just hangin' out, gettin' the stink blown off of me. :)

One thing I really don't miss about Short Bus is that she farted all the time. For a tiny kitty, man, you wanna talk about stankin'! Sheesh! Eight dozen air fresheners couldn't disguise her funky ass around here! I would never do that -- I am a very prissy cat and wouldn't be caught dead emitting a bodily function other than poop. 'Cause pooping is the ultimate -- why do something any less than that? :)


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