Music to my ears

“Tomorrow’s (work-related) get-together? Casual dress encouraged.”

It’s the little things — and wearing jeans on the evening of my birthday? Makes me very, very happy. I’d wear a denim skirt, but all 40 of the ones I own are all too short to wear among people around whom I try so desperately to act like I am professional and stuff. 🙂

Now, to find a pair of jeans that will not require me to find a square foot of floor on which to lie down to zip ’em up ’cause the f’ers don’t fit!

On iTunes: Zero 7, “Destiny”

One Lonely Response to Music to my ears

  1. LeeAnn :

    This is why, you know, they make those gorgeous gauzy tunic tops. If I could have a hundred, I’d still have too few.