‘You’re looking at eons of repression getting purged. If only they’d let us jerk off’
Bizarre day. It’s going quickly, but it’s filled to the brim with oddity.
Got my first, bona-fide fan letter in this realm. Also got (not the first) a quite unhinged, combative and misguided one that someone is answering for me. It’s challenging to not tell someone they’re full of shit when, well, they’re full of shit. And they like to keep replying back to say they’d be better at this job than, oh, say the EXPERTS in the job.
Good luck with that. Think I haven’t ridden shotgun on a psychotropic hayride before? Puh-leeze.
My new plan is to get those virtual-reality helmets for people, but instead create “reality” helmets. Slap ’em on people who can’t make deadlines or those who shouldn’t be wandering this world unsupervised and give them a big ol’ reality check. (Or an electric jolt. Whichever.) If they miss deadline or act like a douchebag, the helmet locks in place and stays on for one week. Is there a patent on that yet? 😉
Speaking of folk who could use a lil religion, the sin list is growing, courtesy of the Vatican. (Link courtesy of Goddess Sabre.)
One thing I agree with, on paper anyway:
“Father Antonio Pelayo, a Spanish priest and Vatican expert noted that it is time for both sinners and confessors to get over their obsession with sex and think about other ways humans hurt each other in the world in which they live.”
Amen to that one. Sex is necessary! Sex is awesome! Sex should not be a sin! Shit, I would venture a bet that there have been orgasms that have prevented shooting sprees. (And I’m just talking about me.)
I think people are hardwired to please themselves and, if it’s at the expense of others, then oh well. So, yeah, maybe you can’t make mean-spiritedness a mortal sin, but if adultery only hurts three or four people, and an act of cruelty can wipe out a city, perhaps “hurting others” (physically or emotionally) should swap places with coveting thy neighbor or thy neighbor’s spouse? I wouldn’t argue with that.
Moving on.
And what I disagree with?
… “(the) widening social and economic differences between the rich and the poor that ’cause an unbearable social injustice'”
I mean, not to imply that I’m not churchmouse-poor and all, but wealth as a venial sin? That’s pretty ambitious. Last I checked, we can’t take it with us anyway. And one of Sabre’s commentors pointed out very clearly that the Catholic church is pretty wealthy, is it not? (Excluding all those pesky priests-fondling-altar-boys lawsuits.)
Now, see, that’s where I really take it personally. Maybe I’m too sensitive, but it bugs the boojabbers out of me how all these churches are up their attendees’ asses for bigger and better donations of both money and time. I mean, isn’t church where the tired, huddled masses can go for hope? I stay home when I’m out of money because I feel guilty that I ain’t got nothin’ to give. And when you’re down on your luck, whether it’s living on the streets or simply having a “Calgon, take me away!” episode, shouldn’t the first place you feel you CAN turn be your church?
Oh well. Just another attempt by the Catholic church to pretend it’s still relevant. I can see George Carlin’s character in “Dogma” chanting, “Catholicism Wow!”
March 13th, 2008 at 3:52 PM
Orgasms that prevent shootings? Man, I could use one of those right about now! I’m about ready to go all kinsd of postal here at the workplace. And I’m supposed to be one of the good guys!
Also, I loved your comments about the politcal race and the “anybody but Clinton” backlash. I agree that many people’s reasons for choosing a candidate (such as “I just don’t think we’re ready for a woman, an African-American, or a trained ham sandwich to be president”) are lame. I was actually turned off by the “Oprah push” that Obama received. I wish she could “un-push” Phil, The Secret, Tom Cruise, and half a dozen other things she’s forced upon us! : )