‘When you find you, come back to me’

I just realized that my church broadcasts its services online. Much as I love the half-hour drive each way on I-95 (I do. Really. Great way to release my aggressions!), that’s time I can’t spare today.

Besides, I’ll probably miss the next few Sundays, anyway, so I might as well not raise anyone’s expectations. 😉

Although … the cafe next door to it makes an awesome cappuccino. And Sephora is nearby! Do you KNOW what this heat is doing to my skin?!?!


One of those Sundays that I’ll be missing in action from the world, I’ll be rolling up to a chi-chi resort in a beach town about an hour and a half from here. (Aside: Church IS on the way. All right, God, you win this one.)

Anyway, back to me. Because it’s ALL ABOUT ME. I saw a great room rate on a discount-travel site, and the rate was only good on my birthday eve. The selling point? A free bottle of wine at check-in. Happy birthday, Goddess!

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