What a girl wants needs

Meme stolen from the lovely Bayou:

Google thyself, inserting name and the word “needs” (i.e., “Dawn needs”). And while anyone who knows me is well aware that what THIS Dawn needs is simply a stomach-slapping, hair-pulling, back-scratching, bottom-spanking good time, well, the Internet has other things to say about what exactly it is that I need. …

This is some existential shit. Wow. Even if it did come from reviews of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” episodes:

  • Dawn needs a reality check. (duh)
  • Dawn needs a tripod. (heh. They said “tripod.”)
  • Dawn needs a process for expenditures.
  • Dawn needs to develop more speed endurance.
  • Dawn needs you. She loves you.
  • Dawn needs to get out of the house.
  • Dawn needs someone to look after her.
  • Dawn needs to know where she came from; she needs real answers.
  • Dawn needs cash support. (AMEN!)
  • Dawn needs quiet.
  • Dawn needs a singer in the hard rock/ heavy metal styles. (yeah!)
  • Dawn needs a safe, loving home where she can be shown the love and respect she so rightly deserves.
  • Dawn needs the participation of every jurisdiction in targeted metropolitan areas and states.
  • Dawn needs to find another £1400 before 17 June, and she would very much welcome and appreciate your help.
  • Dawn needs substance like Stevie Wonder needs a piano.
  • Dawn needs to get over herself.
  • Dawn needs to start checkin’ her girl because it looks like she’s the one playin’ dawn.
  • Dawn needs an energetic and fun (hair)style to suit her personality.
  • Dawn needs a tummy tuck. (no shit)
  • Dawn needs little prodding to commit crimes against society and good fashion sense. (no arguments here!)
  • Dawn needs to push (herself) for more originality and start separating (herself) from the pack. (yup)
  • Looks like I’ve got a busy day ahead of me. 😉

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