Row, row, row your fail-boat, gently up shit creek …

What is that I see … the Fail Whale swimming up the Intracoastal? *facepalm* *headslam* *implosion*

Once again, genius has locked herself out of La Oficina. But unlike last time, when I had my cell phone, today all I had were my keys … AND NOT MY BUILDING ACCESS CARD. Whee!

Left behind were such trivial things as my wallet, a $500 iPod, a $600 iPhone, a $3,000 laptop and my Weight Watchers member card. And my smokes. Can’t forget those. At least I had hidden five bucks in the car for such an emergency!

Since I haven’t gone to WW in three weeks and won’t be able to go for the next three weeks … and I think I might have actually lost a pound over the past fucking month and want it recorded! … well all I have to say is, “Yeah … no.”

I took a walk along the shore since, well, it’s FREE and I obviously couldn’t afford to go out like I was planning to tonight. And wouldn’t you know it … the most GORGEOUS rainbow was shining over the ocean. Go to reach for camera … oh, wait … THAT’S AT THE OFFICE, TOO.

Am hoping the building is accessible tomorrow. It typically is on Saturdays, although I don’t know the holiday weekend policy. If it’s locked up tight, well, somebody isn’t spending her birthday/Memorial Day at the hotel she paid for without, oh, a credit card for incidentals and an ID to get past the front desk.


That WOULD be a rather appropriate way to start off a new year, wouldn’t it? This IS me we’re talking about here!

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