Quartantine diaries, day whatever

Just heard the boss was praising me on a call I wasn’t on.

Happy to be home with the ones I love.

Hallmark is running a Christmas movie marathon. I put up Christmas lights. And I’m listening to ambient Christmas music.

I’m happy I took a WFH job when the coronavirus was actually ramping up and not when the gubmint got around to telling us about it.

I’m so glad it’s Aries season. I have Aries rising so, fire. And a six-month cycle of reputational damage control, friendship-building and community-rebuilding.

Plus, the old astrological cycle and the fatal bug it brought us is in the rear view mirror. This year really put the P, I, S and S in Pisces.

I still haven’t opened the champagne I bought to celebrate my new job. I made it to the six-week mark. Will celebrate that instead.

My web traffic is spiking like a fever. Cool.

And I randomly pulled the victory card as my theme for today. I saw the Six of Wands and knew this ordinary day would be special. It is.

Cheers, loves and lovers.

New Irish blessing …

May your coronavirus supply hoard last through hurricane season.

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