Oral escapades

Wednesdays aren’t necessarily my favorite day at Ye Humble Employment Establishment. They’re not bad, but if I have to choose which day never goes according to plan, this has got to be it.

I’ve oft joked that I’d rather have a root canal than deal with my Wednesdays. And today, after visiting my new dentist and him promptly sending me across town with an X-ray and a referral to visit ANOTHER dentist, well, I got my wish — A FUCKING ROOT CANAL!!!

My second dentist (who was HAWTTT!!!!) had said how most people would rather be at work than seeing him. I said nope, not me — I’ve always posited that I’d rather be root-canalled than do my Wednesday work, and it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. And guess what? The dental work HURT LESS! HAH!

Of course, now trying to catch up on my work after my oral adventure is a pain in the ass, but trust me, I’ve had worse days! 😉

(And no, D., this dentist wouldn’t let me be on top. Although visions of it kept me from screaming in my not-altogether-numbed state!)

2 Responses to Oral escapades

  1. Victor :

    Dang, Dawn, I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe me and the GF could bring you some wedding soup?

  2. Kimberley :

    Hot Damn Dawn! I need to get a root canal too, have done for some time – whoops. After going to visit a dentist last Thursday to see about getting invisalign, I was told that I need to have a root canal first.