Not only do I look like a Cabbage Patch Kid, but I dance like one too

There’s nothing sweeter than hearing your 3-year-old niece squeal “Congratulations!” into the phone …

… Well, I guess there is something sweeter — the fact that she said it because I just got a promotion! And the all-staff memo reads like an Academy Award ceremony introduction. Wow.

*cabbage patch dancing around my office*

11 Responses to Not only do I look like a Cabbage Patch Kid, but I dance like one too

  1. Evil Genius :

    Well, it could never compare to that of your three year old, but….


  2. karmajenn :


  3. Valbee :

    Wow! Did you KICK Mercury out of retrograde? 😉

    I can’t think of anyone who deserves this more. Congrats!

  4. Inachis :

    Way to go! Congrats!

  5. The Goddess :

    *blush* Thanks! Just what I needed — even MORE work to do. 😉

  6. Boutros :

    Way to go. You totally deserve some good news.

  7. Lachlan :

    About GD time! Rock on, girl!

  8. michael :

    That’s awesome! Congratulations!

  9. Tiff :

    *clinks glass* Here’s hoping the promotion comes with adequate financial compensation. 😀

  10. Pratt :

    I am so happy to hear this news! You totally deserve all the good things coming to you.

  11. Erica :

    Rock on! Congratulations! *high five* 🙂

    I’ll drink to that. *clink*