My lil Cocoa-nut came back, deux

I asked Cocoa to send me a song whenever she is ready or able.

I didn’t know what to ask for. It’s not like the 400 songs I made up to match the 400 names I have for her are breaking past any of Taylor Swift’s 10 albums in the top 10 on Billboard, Spotify and Apple.

Alas, my girl came through tonight in a spectacular way.

“Country Grammar” came on as I pulled into my compound. Mom and I love us some Nelly, so we started singing.

* Shimmy shimmy Cocoa butt *

The moment it was out of my mouth, the tears started. We sang that to her when she still lived under the Target truck.

Mom saw her first Target truck today since we lost our baby. She lost it then too.

I was already in my head so it didn’t affect me as directly.

Oh, who am I kidding. Everything affects me directly when it comes to my girl.

Thank you for “our” song, baby.

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