Me glorious me

And tunage buried within, too!

Reader Poll Monday:

1. What is the last movie you saw in a theater?
I’d wanted to see “Rent” this weekend, but I had so many friggin’ errands, it wasn’t possible. I last saw “Prime” but I’d never recommend it.

I keep meaning to check out the Arlington Cinema ‘n Drafthouse — ingenious concept.

2. What is your all-time favorite book?
Pat Conroy, “The Prince of Tides.” Love the movie eqally.

3. Do you own any sex toys?

Um, yeah.

I was in the “toy business” for awhile, which — if this isn’t irony for you — ended abruptly when I was kicked out due to “inactivity.” LOL

So yeah, got me a suitcase full. But I have my favorite, and he is dying from abuse.

4. Gambling: bad habit or entertainment?
I gamble every day that I drive on the highways with insane D.C. drivers. But you mean like the casino/chips/slots? For me, I’d say bad habit — I’d MUCH rather go into a mall and “gamble” with that money — at least I’d be sure to take something home!

Said she who’s Vegas-bound later this month with only $20 in her pocket.

5. What is your favorite Christmas song?
The Pretenders, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”

6. Christmas tree: real, artificial or none at all?
This year, none — I’m away too much and I have kittehs who like to chew on shit and rip shit down. I have an artificial tree — a spiral one — in the basement. But nothing beats the scent of blue spruce — well, only if you’re in the mood to vacuum every day. Which I’m so totally NOT.

7. When is the last time you went on a date?

8. Have you ever stolen anything from a hotel?
I usually bring all my own products to a hotel — never know what you’re going to count on needing that they don’t provide. But I stayed at a Hyatt not too long ago that offered shoe-polishing cloths. Those are exactly what I use to clean my sterling silver jewelry, so consider that thing pocketed!

9. How many hours do you typically spend in front of a computer each day?

10. Ask me something.
When’s payday?

3 Responses to Me glorious me

  1. Pratt :

    I think I’m headed to Vegas sometime this winter too.

  2. Sherri :

    Payday is sometime next week. I’m not sure when I’ll actually get my first check though. It always takes forever to get sorted out when you start someplace new. But my second check should be all set for direct deposit. 🙂

  3. Erica :

    I saw “Prime” not too long ago. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn’t recommend it, either. It takes a lot for me to see a movie in the first place, much less recommend it.