ISO happy place

Perhaps it would be somewhere with food, because there sure as hell ain’t any in the house and I’m not about to get dressed to go spend money I don’t have.

Today’s the 7th. Payday’s the 15th. I have just enough to get through UNLESS you count the Christmas gift I have to buy before Sunday and, oh, unless you top off the speeding ticket I didn’t pay with the LATE FEE that practically doubled the fine. *headdesk*

I have two offers to go out tomorrow, but as I will not go out without a buck in my pocket, I’ll be making myself scarce. Meh. It’s always good to have a lil mystery — being cash-flow-negative isn’t exactly the sexiest reason for canceling, so we’ll just say something came up. Being poor takes care of being coy without even trying!

So I have a higher phone bill to pay for minutes I don’t use, and I’m paying for digital cable that’s on a TV I don’t use, either, because it’s a room I no longer want to be in. I’m not real sure how so much joy got piled into my stockings at one time, but my stockings are getting runs in them and there’s no cashish to replace ’em.

I’m trying hard to hold onto my joy. But I have no idea where to start looking for more to take the place of what has come and gone.

I have two bottles of wine. Good stuff, too. I think that’s where I’ll be finding my holiday spirit this year. Just hope I can make it last. …

One Lonely Response to ISO happy place

  1. Connie :

    Oh Dawn…I’ve got the bah humbugs myself. I dont get paid until the 12th this month, and not much moolah to last until then. We’ve been living on grilled cheese sandwiches, and the cheese is running low. LOL
    Dont think you know, but Susan (my partner) had a car accident on October 15th and almost died. She had a seizure while driving and totalled our Explorer and nearly tore her arm off. She was 3 hrs away in Atlanta when this happened, and I was talking to her on the cell phone. One minute we were talking, the next minute I hear the cell phone hit the floor of the truck and start tumbling like it was in a dryer. She didnt make a sound, so I didnt really know what happened. An hour later they called me from the level 1 trauma center in Atlanta telling me that she had been life flighted to their facility and what happened. We were in the hospital (I didnt leave her side) for over a month, and her recovery has been very slow. So this Christmas I am most thankful for her life because she could have been taken away from me after us just finding each other again after so many years…
    I would have emailed you all this info but I’ve lost your email addy.
    Anyhoo…I hope you have a wonderful Christmas my friend.
    Love you!