In which the drunken ramblings almost take over

So I’m not going to blog about what happened tonight, other than champagne/pinot/mojitos at Il Bacio and dinner at Blue Fish.

I’m not going to post that I met somebody with whom I went to college, who graduated the same year I was supposed to, and the people we knew in common.

I won’t post how he still has anger toward one of my favorite, uh, lays of all time.

I won’t post how badly he begged me to come back to his hotel room last night.

I won’t post how tempted I might have been.

What a weird little night. Good in so many ways. Strange in so many others.

I will be in Baltimore again soon enough. If he wants to see me then, fine. If I blew my chance now, so be it.

My mind is elsewhere right now. Be warned, boys. Be warned.

One Lonely Response to In which the drunken ramblings almost take over

  1. chris :

    I’ll say this.

    He has great taste in women 🙂