I’ll give you fireworks
So I asked the over-extended houseguest if she had any plans today. She looked at me like I had three heads and wondered why on earth I would think she was doing anything today.
Um because normal people might hop in the car and do something on a holiday, independent of the person they will be living with until the end of time?
She said she thought we could do something together.
Um because that happens when?
As for me, I saved a very arduous project for the weekend — transcribing two hours of video. Which would be fine if it hasn’t taken me over an hour to knock out nine minutes of film. This is looking like a 12-hour project and I wish, wish, wish I’d had the motivation during the week to do this.
It’s the first beautiful day here in weeks and there are fireworks on the beach later. My deal with myself is to try to knock out the first hour of this video and then go see what’s happening on the ocean. I guess I’ll have a tagalong, and unfortunately not the cookie variety!