If you don’t have anything nice to say …

… And I don’t. …

Have been busy with work. (Shocker, I know!) Mostly it’s good but the occasional color-me-unimpressed moment tends to bug me perhaps more than it should.

Oh well. This coming Thursday is Chocolate Day (I thought it was today. Rats), in which we import enough of the addictive stuff to feed every animal in the National Zoo (perhaps not the worst analogy here) and we feed from the river o’ chocolate all damn day. Which entails a lot of bouncing off walls and unbuttoning of pants, because WHO NEEDS REAL FOOD WHEN YOU HAVE CHOCOLATE?

I was mistaken and assumed Chocolate Day was today. Because, really, a girl needs something to look forward to. And come to think of it, I’m working off-site next week, so I shall miss the delightful festival o’ calories. I had been wondering, actually, how to bake/buy for it when I get home after 8 p.m. every night. Shit, my contribution to Chocolate Day would have to be bringing a friend because who the fuck has time to assemble anything? I mean, until there’s a drive-thru that serves chocolate (oh, I can dream), I can’t contribute anything but my taste buds.

Speaking of morale-boosters, tomorrow is our very first (and only) day we can wear jeans. And it’s pretty sad — I was looking at my closet and saw 30 pairs of jeans and at least 40 jeanskirts. I used to be called “The Denim Queen” (mostly after I lost my “One Night Stand Queen” tiara although I wouldn’t say I’ve gone on to bigger and better things. *sniff*). I miss being able to either go out after work or at least wear jeans to work regularly. There’s a whole half of my walk-in closet that goes virtually ignored because it’s casual wear.

I’m hoping everybody behaves well and dresses nicely in jeans tomorrow, and I hope our productivity is as good as ever so that maybe I can get to access the far reaches of my neglected closet with more frequency. Although it is probably more likely that Chocolate Day will move from being an annual event to a daily one. …

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