Dec 4 – Two of Pentacles – Juggle, Not Struggle

On the fourth day of December, the tarot advent calendar said to me …

You’ve got plenty of time to sort out what you need to, if you pace it right.


In 24 hours, I have my final dentist appointment of the year. Then back to work.

I have a chalkboard full of to-dos for work and home that I wanted to achieve during PTO.

I erased a lot, which is great. But there’s still a lot on the list.

I think about the remaining items and wonder, if not now, when? When it’s back to up at the crack o’ me, no lunch breaks other than turning off Teams for a half-hour and having to shop, cook and clean in the evening hours, when can I do the rest?

My friend JD reminds me that we all have the same 24 hours in a day. Get up early. Stay up late. Work smarter.

If he could write three books while working two jobs and traveling 14 times, so can you.

He’s not wrong. I don’t want to be THAT busy. But, maybe I could write one book over the course of a year instead?

The Two of Coins reminds us maintain balance BUT be careful because you can fall on your ass and twist your ankle during this delicate, never-ending dance.

How easy it is to fall out of balance and never get back. So prioritize the money-making shit and the “have to do” shit but also prioritize the fun shit.

So, basically, sleep when you’re dead, as Bon Jovi sang.

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