Bat(ty) bitch

Shiny New Stadium, originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn.

Hello, poor little neglected blog. I’m going to get a cuppa java. Care for one, too? I know, sweet and light. BRB darling — have I told you how much I’ve missed you?

Been a busy lifetime coupla days in Caterwauling land. Decided to wander down to Southeast (*gulp*) to marvel at the Washington Nationals ballpark, as they were having an open house for folks to check out the new digs.

(I have about eleventy billion photos of it that I’ll upload to Flickr one of these years when I have free time — a girl’s gotta get ready for church at some point today.)

Anywhoo, the Open House was for folks who didn’t already procure season tix to go seat-hunting and, for folks like me who aren’t exactly avid baseball bimbos, to tempt us with sunshine and food vendors (mmm, Ben’s Chili Bowl — half smoke, no onions).

I was severely tempted to do a partial-season package just to get the seats I fell in love with. Although, let’s face it, I was most impressed with the PNC Diamond Sponsor seats, as they were the cushioned ones. (Those went for $22,100 a season per chair. Woo hoo — good to have goals, I guess!)

Actually, that was the neat thing about yesterday. The Nats were away and the game was playing on the shiny new JumboTron. So, you could pretty much plop down in any ole seat you wanted and could watch the game from the vantage point you deserve, even if it isn’t the one you can necessarily afford. 😉

I did end up buying some tickets to individual games instead of doing a package deal. That way, I could simply get the best-available seats on my desired days without being committed to a package that, I’m certain, simply won’t accommodate the Goddess’ hectic schedule. 🙂

We ended up rolling down to U Street, the home of the original Ben’s Chili Bowl, although that place was P-A-C-K-E-D and I didn’t want to go in. (I was thinking a half-smoke for lunch and a chili dog for dinner would be just the right combination to kill me.)

But alas, I did find solace (and a table) at the Love Cafe where we bought slices of cake but — oops — they ran out of forks. Classy. (Plastic ones were unearthed at some point, but in a cafe that seats 25 people, how hard is it to find/wash utensils?)

So, if you were ever wondering how to get a figure like mine, consider this: breakfast at Ben’s, lunch at Warren’s and dinner at Dave’s (that’d be Famous Dave’s). Yeesh. Almost beats the weekend of Brio, Carrabba’s (go for the white sangria. Seriously) and the Greene Turtle a coupla weeks ago. (Hey, I don’t have time to eat during the week. It all evens out.)

Now, I’ve got to go scrub mah butt go figure out how to pay for next weekend’s plans, too. Damn shiny-new baseball tickets sitting in my wallet. *shakes fist at heavens* Why did Nationals Park have to be so awesomely seductive as to lure me into wanting to be a baseball wench this spring?

One Lonely Response to Bat(ty) bitch

  1. Baseball » Bat(ty) bitch :

    […] Sports News, Comments & Analysis | Bleacher Report wrote an interesting post today on Bat(ty) bitchHere’s a quick excerpt…who didn’t already procure season tix to go seat-hunting and, for folks like me who aren’t exactly avid baseball bimbos, to tempt us with… […]