‘Back to life, back to reality’
O HAI, this was me, baking in the sun at the hotel pool yesterday after taking a nice long walk on the beach along the ocean.
Today, I am back in my cubicle with my back to the window, where it is snowing outside. Capital Weather says there could be a snow’ice storm through Wednesday. Mmm, joy.
I got an e-mail that the next National Blog Posting Month theme is “Want.” (It’s for February if anyone’s doing the daily theme posting.) I know I’m starting the theme a week early, but I want to have my toes back in a pool in the sun.
The neat thing about vacationing in sunnier climes is that people are so flippin’ nice. Except those who think that anorexic is the new black, because they don’t have the energy to try to smile past the Botox. But when you get to the airport, you’re back with all the rude a-holes from your city who are going to be on your plane back home.
What’s really fun about being a grown-up, since there’s so precious little these days that seems like a privilege to have achieved that status, is that we used to pile a ton of us into a hotel room to travel as cheaply as possible.
Now, when you travel with a buddy, you not only fly in from different cities, but you also get your own rooms. THAT is living, my friends. And if you’re lucky, as I was, you can hear your friend talking on their cell phone, three floors down, as they stand on their balcony while you’re catching the rays on your own.
Well, I got nuttin’ else to say today. Just hoping for a good week and that I can actually get my Tuesday nights back since I haven’t made it to Weight Watchers in quite some time. Of course, after all the eating I did during the past four days, this might be a good week to NOT kill myself to get across town to hop on the scale. …