You don’t bring me flowers. ..

I realized last night that I have never received flowers from a man. I think the guy I was dating in college might’ve given me a rose here and there, but a man has never, ever sent a bundle or a bouquet of flowers my way just to show that he cared. I have never liked flowers, and I think this is the reason why — I never get any.

I realize that everyone I’ve dated, well, either one or both parties were in it to get laid. Now that I don’t care much about that (well, that’s a lie — I’m always looking for someone to ride up the Beltway!), I realize all the romantic gestures that I’ve never experienced. I don’t even know what else I’ve been missing out on — all I know is that I’ve never felt like I was anyone’s priority, like they felt like they had to try hard to capture my attention and to keep me around. How depressing. I deserve so much more than I’ve been getting. And I’m going to go buy some flowers for myself. Damn it.

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