Daily summary:

* Got a shitload of work done

* Got my nails done

* Coughed all over everyone (w00t!)

* Got reamed by e-mail from a member, who of course sent it to 10 people. Not only that, he sent them every single e-mail we ever exchanged. And all this came after I warned him that a story I had written was not going to appear last month, but that I was holding it. He shredded me. Don’t tell me how to do my job, fucker. There are people here who already have that luxury. So fuck off.

* Got the interview with the experts on workplace homicides!

* Am on my way to go spend time with Kenya and Kaioro. I am missing “Grease” with Dave at GMU tonight, but the self-induced quarantine is necessary on so many levels.

* Am boycotting the Friday Five this week. Shawn paid a lovely tribute to me, and I am grateful for it, but I just don’t feel friendly enough to write about friends today. 😉

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