Go Bears! (I guess)

This year’s Super Bowl is rather anticlimactic for me — my boys (da Stillers) won last year, so really, what’s there to get excited about? In my house, the game’s on but nobody’s home (mentally). It’s just another game in my world.

Personally I was rooting for the Baltimore Ravens to become a contender for XLI, as they kicked Pittsburgh’s ass (and others’) hard enough to show that they had what it took to get to this year’s big game. And let’s face it, if you’re going to root for a D.C.-area team, it ain’t gonna be the Redskins!

Anyway, big social weekend here. Good times. I spent most of the weekend in Virginia, in Arlington/Alexandria. There was apartment-hunting involved, but not the focus. One foray was for a date (*faints*) and another trip was a different type of date, so to speak.

Yes, there is speed-dating to help you find friends, kids. And I had the most lovely lunch today at the Cheesecake Factory with three gals, and I just loved it. It was just the right balance of socializing and networking and consuming tiramisu cheesecake to make it a great day in my world. It was even worth paying the $8 to park at Market Common!

It’s interesting, talking to other women my age who have similar lines of work and interests. I feel so at-home with people “like me,” and yet I (now) feel so separated from them because my life is changing so much. We’re sitting around making plans and talking about taking shopping/theater trips to Manhattan and I’m trying not to think about my disposable income, well, being disposed of and not being able to really be able to treat myself anymore after this month.

I went into the Apple store and “visited” what was going to be my tax refund — the black MacBook pro. And I thought, well, maybe I should pick up an iPod instead as a small treat until I can get the computer. And even with that, it’s like, “With what? Is that new security deposit going to pay itself? Will movers show up for free?”

This is now my inner dialogue — in fact, I needed a new coffeepot and found one I just LOVED, but instead I picked up one on clearance. I know it’s smart, but it feels sucky. I wish I weren’t too old to sell my eggs .. lord knows I ain’t using them! 🙂

I don’t know. I guess I’m starting to realize what a HUGE thing it is that I’m undertaking, and I’m starting to get scared. And it’s not just the money. I know that life isn’t supposed to be easy, but must it always be such a challenge? God, I want to do good work for you, but I don’t know if I’m as strong as you think I am.

OK, so Prince is performing at halftime right now. And seriously, who the hell is doing the closed-captioning on this thing? Clearly it’s a kid who wasn’t even born when these songs were popular. Gah. I can understand if they don’t know “All Along the Watchtower,” but come on, “Let’s Go Crazy” — how hard is it? (All right, I guess it IS difficult if you weren’t someone who donned jelly bracelets for a reason and not as part of a Halloween costume. …)

Eek, “Purple Rain” is on — I still get a damn nipple hard-on when I hear him sing that song. ‘Scuse me while I go fire up my lighter and sway. … 😉

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