Am a Maryland crabcake; just eat me already and put me out of my misery

Christmas at DCA

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

I went to see “Four Christmases” yesterday and pretty much loved it. Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn’s characters are living exactly the life I want — surrounding themselves with expensive things, taking exotic vacations and avoiding all things family-related. Ah, to dream. …

Without spoiling it, the question does arise whether that’s all there is to life. And my answer would be “That’s fine by me!” but nobody’s asking what I think. 🙂

I’m making a conscious effort to not go all manic-depressive this holiday season, but this one is testing me more than most. (Minus the one four years ago. Just, don’t ask.)

I just want to know what a good holiday season feels like. One that’s not reminding me how financially fucked I am or how significant-other-challenged I always seem to be at this time of year. And now that I’ve got a built-in roommate (whoever said it’s cheaper to keep her, needs to get smashed over the skull with a brick fireplace) who is either clueless to, or simply ignores, my absolute discomfort at the situation, well, what’s the point of surviving the holidays when nothing looks to be getting better?

I skipped church today — I tend to do that when I need it most. But the bathroom was occupied when I woke up to start getting ready, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. That and, hey, it’s raining. I hope the baby Jesus will understand.

My recent vacation was my Christmas present to myself. I didn’t do nothin’ but shop, eat, drink and lounge in the tub. No cat fur, no intrusions, no sharing my oxygen.

And no answering the phone or looking at the e-mail, during the latter part of the trip. I’ve been so caught up in the details of making other people’s dreams come true, I’ve forgotten how to contribute my vision to the executing of others’.

I’m at this weird place in life where I could continue the career I have — I can get really good at it and do this forever. Or … maybe I’m at the point where I’ve learned enough and maybe it’s time to learn/do something new — preferably something that’s more immune to the recession at hand, if such a thing exists.

I dunno. I’ve always been happy to let my fate find me, whether it’s job, career, friends, family (or urban tribe), pets, boys, etc. I don’t actively seek anything.

And what I seek now — to have my house to myself again, to not be worried to death about losing employment in this tough economic conditions, to enjoy a healthy and functional relationship — seems downright impossible at this moment. I know everything’s within my power to obtain/achieve, but at what point are you just too beaten-down to pursue anything other than the occasional scrap of peace and quiet to simply exist?

Anyway, I don’t wanna just exist. I don’t want to “get through” the holidays, the next fiscal quarter, the next year of the lease.

I don’t want to keep putting off a computer purchase till my meager savings is dwindled down to nothing to pay all the bills.

I don’t want to be where I was four years ago, missing a job I hated with all my heart because I needed the (pathetic amount of) money it provided.

I don’t want to look back on this time where I alternated between anger and passivity when I could have been nicer to people who are rubbing my nerves like a fluffy cloud of steel wool.

I don’t want to believe that this is as good as it gets.

I don’t want to find reassurance in that there are plenty of others who have it way worse than me.

I don’t want to feel like my best days are anywhere but in front of me.

I want to see how great others have it and continue being happy for them. And I also want to feel that I can achieve that level of joy and love and accomplishment and completeness for myself.

I spend a lot of time in denial, of avoiding the things and people that stress me out. I guess I just want them to know how miserable they make me, that I have to pretend they don’t exist in order to get through a day/week/whatever. I also use that exhaustion as an excuse for not keeping up with the people with whom I very much want to share my time and love.

But now that I’ve had a week to myself, I’ve had a chance to chill out and look at the big picture again, instead of being mired in all the details that mean so much to seemingly everyone else but me. And I feel like I can continue in this path and rise to the top of it. But what’s going to motivate me in the meantime, other than fear and obligation?

I know I’m going to end up where I’m supposed to end up. But how am I going to recognize/fulfill my own dreams when I’m so busy tending to everyone else’s?

5 Responses to Am a Maryland crabcake; just eat me already and put me out of my misery

  1. Lachlan :

    “But how am I going to recognize/fulfill my own dreams when I’m so busy tending to everyone else’s?”

    As long is the above is de rigeur, the order of the day, the way it is… none of the change you seek will happen.

    Eventually, you either put yourself first or you don’t. I love you to pieces and I can tell you’re suffering- but no one can fix this but you. I have been in similar situations and I had to practically run myself into the ground before I figured out that MY action was the only thing that would resolve the problem.

    You are too bright, too caring, and just too damn good to stay this way forever. I know this.

    And so do you.

  2. The Goddess :

    Speaking of people I love and cherish and miss to death. 🙂

    Your comment made me cry with both happiness and hurt, not by the words but by the “oh holy shit can I whine when I want to!” realization.

    But what really hurts? Is that I’ve been going through the motions for so long, and it’s still just not enough. I could work harder. I could be more helpful at home. I am doing absolutely everything without an iota of heart, passion or compassion. And that’s so not me.

    I mean, that i went to a movie and actually bought the ticket. I have gone to the theater a thousand times, gotten to the front of the line, and turned around and left because I’m a big ol’ meanie who only thinks of myself. Not that I’d go home and pick up someone to take with me, oh no. But that I’d rather go lock myself in my room and suffer without what I wanted. Hmm, reminds me of the person I can hear breathing through the wall.

    The martyr doesn’t fall far from the cross, apparently. 🙂

    I always said 34 was my year. And so far, home situation notwithstanding, it has been. Maybe that’s what I need to do — declare that everything’s gonna be all right, and it will be.

    Failing that, I’m compiling an awesome wine collection that should keep me drunk till I trn 35. … 😉

  3. Lachlan :

    Nothing wrong with compiling a good winebar at home. 😉

    LOL @ the cross comment.

    Clearly, you’ve got a fuckload of baggage to deal with thanks to family, and I cannot IMAGINE how frustratingly stunted home life is for you. But damn, girl- what’s next? The EHG moving into your room? You need space and autonomy. Sooner than later.


    I wish had the easy-button way to resolve all your issues, but I don’t. You will overcome; don’t lost sight of that despite the constant BS you’re putting up with.

  4. missing money | :

    […] Am a Maryland crabcake; just eat me already and put me out of my … I don’t want to be where I was four years ago, missing a job I hated with all my heart because I needed the (pathetic amount of) money it provided. I don’t want to look back on this time where I alternated between anger and passivity … […]

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