I Crap In a Box

I'm Maddie, a fabulous foul-mouthed Calico from Washington, D.C. I sleep, whine and poop a lot. Swearing like a sailor and vomiting like a supermodel round out my typical day. Tormenting my sister also warms my heart!

Friday, October 29, 2004

Turkey, turkey, turkey!

Imagine me and Kadi in a conga line, singing, "turkey, turkey, tur-kee!" -- 'cause that's what we're doing right now!

The fucking fridge broke, and Mommy has been cooking and/or pitching shit like a madwoman. She's pissed off 'cause she told maintenance on Wednesday that the fridge blew up, and the guy laughed and her and said she's nuts. So when all the food was thawed out by the time she dragged her ragged ass home yesterday, she raised hell and today, we get a new fridge. Hooray! Too bad there's no money to replace the food we are losing!

But, in any event, I always make out like a bandit when the fridge goes. Mommy always has a secret stash of something that she knows I will find delectable -- she feeds me the dry shit a lot, so I really appreciate it when I get something gourmet to satiate my tender taste buds. And today, she unearthed a ton of white-meat turkey! Oh, Mommy, you shouldn't have! (Hah! Yes she should have -- for all the torment I receive as the big sister of a dumbass, I deserve that and more!)

Anyway, I'm goin' back to my bowl and parking my face in it till the turkey comes out the other end!!! Neener!


At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A cat dropping F-bombs is surprisingly funny. I found this blog by pure dumb luck, and I mentioned it on my livejournal. So you might see a couple new faces. Yes... I said a couple; I'm obviously too popular for my own good :-P Later.


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