
My digestive system is currently in rebellion. Dinner tonight at fancy-schmancy upscale French place with the gang. Could pronounce pretty much everything, as I took five years of French and all, but can’t remember it all.

Highlights: salmon ravioli (pure salmon, no pasta) stuffed with guacamole. Lamb shank plus lamb cannelloni. Eggplant caviar. Dessert a chocolate plate with chocolate sorbet, chocolate-caramel gooey cookie, chocolate brownies with anise and some other stuff. And neverending glasses of red and white wine. The one-word summary of the night: yummy.

I eat more on these quick trips than I do in an average month! Last night brought the best Brazilian barbecue in the world plus alcohol and way too much gambling. Lunch today: lamb (even more!) and tasty pomegranate limeade at a poolside cantina.

Tonight, I decided to be a good girl and passed on after-dinner activities as it is 11 p.m. and all. Just chugged a liter of water and wondering whether to take a bath with the signature sea salts provided for us or whether I might finally get my first night of sleep in three nights. Fucking drunken morons roaming the halls at all hours — even a Benadryl and Tylenol PM cocktail never manages to keep me asleep.

Off to watch the channel with the live aquarium webcam feed and curl up in a ball. *hugs corporate expense account, wonders why I spent so much time in nonprofit sector before this* 😉

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