With a twist

I’ve got to open this one up to the blogosphere, because I am at a loss and I think it’s something that should be debated intelligently. (Meaning, comment moderation has been set to “vaporize on submission” those that contain words your mommy taught you not to use.)

Now that we’re left with only grown-ups in the room. …

My friend, who is the parent of two mixed-race children, asked me a question the other day. She noted that various cultural groups and special-interest factions have some sort of symbol to show their cause. But what she was wondering is what the equivalent of a rainbow flag, for example, can be for folks who date/marry interracially and the kids who are a product of these unions?

I thought about it and volunteered, rather unhelpfully, “How about a vanilla-chocolate twist cone?” I qualified it with, “Well, you can tell my motivation is borne from hunger on a hot summer day. Mmmm, ice cream.”

And she laughed because she heard “ice cream” and got excited at the food, not necessarily its prospect as the symbol of generations. LOL.

Even Sabre and I were talking about it today, and for lack of a better idea, continuing the discussion over ice cream became our executive decision.

So, I apologize if that was offensive to anyone, but really, we’d love some suggestions. Even if it’s just the best ice cream flavor of the summer. 😉

One Lonely Response to With a twist

  1. Erica :

    Only thing I can think of is at MixedFolks.com.