Who I was in 2014

I’m reading some kvetching about Facebook’s “Year in Review” feature. But really, I had a good year and my “yearbook” was very nice and I am happy my crap moments didn’t appear.

Of course, maybe that’s because I deleted/didn’t record them.

At year-end 2014, Mom’s health is worse than ever. I still work way too much and even though I kicked and screamed that I didn’t have help in the first half of the year, now I kick and scream that I do have help.

I got to travel more this year but I still lost all my vacation days and I did work through my out-of-town days, which is exactly why I didn’t travel last year.

Try spending a grand on a trip up north and not want to set your return ticket on fire.

The funny thing is — as my mom was waiting for me to snap my laptop shut on Christmas Eve (since I’ve been gone the past five weekends and there was no food in the house) — she said, “You really do like your job, don’t you?”

“The work,” I clarified. “I love the work.”

But she was right. I have a blast when it’s just me and the rare bright mind.

I almost didn’t come back from my last of two Orlando trips this month. I couldn’t go to the theme park with my friends because, work. And then I just had a phone call that made me nuts and I thought, WTF.

That’s not all I thought. But what I can admit to is thinking back about 10 years when my ex-friend got fired for his blog where he wrote about the “Dipshit Writer.”

Who was a dipshit. But also a nationally syndicated columnist.

The friend is an ex-friend because he tried to use my blog to get me fired twice. Joke was on him.

I quit the first time before anyone could approach me (I do read stats, you know). The second time, it backfired because everyone read the blog and LOVED IT. They still read it. *waves*

In any case, without my blog I’d be dead. And I keep A LOT off these pages. But if I couldn’t work through the issues I do choose to publicize, I wouldn’t be as good of a daughter, as good of a worker, as good of a friend and as good of a lay (just wanted to see if you were paying attention!) as I am.

So, all told it was the same year as last year. And for all that got better, more got worse. So, same shit, different year, basically.

Normally I can’t wait to kick a year to the curb. But honestly it wasn’t all that bad. I’ll keep 2014 around for as long as I can. Because I promised myself everything changes next year as much as I’ve changed.

And that suddenly scares me more than it thrills me.

To be continued …

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