The end of hope

I was supportive of Hillary Clinton’s initiative as first lady to bring healthcare to people like my family who didn’t have any.

I voted for Obama twice so maybe my mom could get some coverage.

I cheered when a friend who’s gone 40 years without healthcare finally got an affordable plan for the first time in his life.

And then I filled out Mom’s application and not only did she, with zero income, get denied for Medicaid, but the system determined that I could afford to pay $700-plus a month to get her covered.

Well, way to go, Obamacare. You turned the liberal into a Republican overnight.

My mom is so weak and fragile and frail. And I think the hope of getting some care was all she had left. Now, I could almost see her fall apart overnight. And I can’t seem to stop crying, wondering if this is what does her in. The end of hope.

At work, people worry that something’s going to happen to her and I won’t be able to grace them with my 70-ish hours a week because I’ll have to take care of her. All the while I get the “oh we wish we could help” lines. Which, they could. They just don’t. All I want are ideas, leads, avenues to pursue that I haven’t … and TIME TO PURSUE THEM.

But as long as THEIR families are taken care of, why would they?

I think they fear something really big is going to happen and I’ll either become a nursemaid or, worse, all by myself in this world. Because, what would the reason be to go back at all?

Maybe I shouldn’t type this sort of stuff out loud. But I’m crying for help here. If I could free up $700 a month (like if they let me do freelance somewhere else), that would help.

I always figured Hillary Clinton could see from a thousand miles away what was wrong with Obamacare, and that she was too busy doing her job as Secretary of State and now busy preparing to become our 2016 president. And besides, she can fix this mess and become the hero for making things right.

Only … Mom doesn’t think she’ll be able to see that day. And that’s so not fair, I cannot even put into words the absolute evil that is running through my mind.

In this America, no matter how hard you work, it’s never enough. Something always suffers. And in my case, it’s some*one*.

And let’s be clear. Nobody’s ever loved me more than my momma. And a world without her, frankly, isn’t one I can imagine being in.

Thanks, Obama.

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