Splashing in the Atlantic; living on the Nile

Salt water bird bath

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

I love the colors in this photo. File this under, “I still can’t believe I live here.” I mean, I am a traveler and thus I am happy as a pig in poop to be out of D.C. But it hasn’t yet hit me that this move isn’t exactly temporary.

Seriously, all is going well. Too well. It’s weird. Like, no really, when is the other shoe (flip-flop?) going to drop? My beloved new boss said it’s so funny, he loves looking over and seeing me there — like, I really said yes to the offer and I’m really here. I’ve caught him just smiling to himself after ensuring that I’m around.

It’s so cool, to be valued already and to be extremely aware of it. He’s far less worried than I am that I’ll be as much of a a star — and more — as I was at the ‘Ranch. I can’t wait. I’m going to blow my own mind. Once I figure out which box I packed it in, of course! 😉

Had a ridiculous exchange with the Extended Houseguest this morning. She came to bother me with something and got pissed when I rolled my eyes and ignored her. Like I’ve done for almost the full past two years.

So she asked me what my problem is and why I can’t talk to her. I said very clearly that I feel extremely resentful toward her; that’s why.

And living up to her Cleopatra moniker, she was absolutely floored and said, “What reason do you POSSIBLY have to be resentful toward me?”

Oh. My. GAWD.

My only response, other than wanting to find a sharp object, was to ask incredulously, “How could I NOT be?”

Seriously, this selective amnesia shit is pissing me right the fuck off. She acted hurt and went to her room. Er, she went to what I have clearly declared to be MY GUEST ROOM. The one I would like to have available to people who are WELCOME to stay with me. Who won’t stay INDEFINITELY. Who might contribute a haypenny or two to the upkeep of the hacienda?

No wonder I hide out at the beach every other night before coming home. Although I would really LIKE to want to come home, but why on earth would someone my age who’s responsible for all the bills want do do a crazy thing like that?

One Lonely Response to Splashing in the Atlantic; living on the Nile

  1. Sabre :

    Wow, she’s sounding more and more like someone I know.

    And that worries me.

    Sooner or later you may just lose it and go all stabby after all.