
Baltimore Inner Harbor, originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn.

We’re working off-site this week, and this is what I got to see today. The air does not smell like salt or sea or whatever you’d expect — it smells like cotton candy thanks to the Domino Sugar plant being nearby. Our cars are literally coated with powdered sugar every day.

We’re in the midst of a huge idea-fest, and being in beautiful Baltimore (well, this part of it is beautiful, anyway) was just what the doctor ordered, even though these days are e.x.h.a.u.s.t.i.n.g. It’s tiring in a good way, though, because we’re paying someone to take our Big Ideas and make them into Reality.

I would kill to be able to have this view from my own office. Hell, if I were on the water like this, I’d actually try to leave the building once in awhile. 😉

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