Political randomness
I was talking to an old friend over some wine last night. We never really gossip but we were conjuring up a memory of some guy who used to work for our friend Bernie.
A worker overheard us. Stopped everything she was doing, flounced over to us and declared she is Bernie’s BIGGEST fan and she will NOT have us disrespecting him.
I had been chanting Bernie’s name in a cheer. How’s that disrespectful?
We both had puzzled looks on our faces. She kept going, “I tell everyone I am voting for him. I don’t care who wants to know.”
I said, “Not your Bernie.” And went back to my booze. My friend engaged her in political talk since he saw Bernie in person and had stories to thrill her with.
And while a part of me wanted to do what I did at the Hillary for America event and tell people to just vote Democratic, because we have a chance to not vote in bums, I didn’t.
Normally I’d be happy to see someone keeping Cruzio out of office. But man, it’s feeling very Washingtonian in Florida these days. I miss it most days but other days, let me drink in peace, ok?