Mother Nature, you ignorant, hateful whore

After spending Valentine’s Day with the greatest gift of all — working from home — I emerged (early) today to a car covered in two solid inches of ice. Oh, and thank you to my fucking neighbors who had shoveled all their snow/ice behind my car — even IF I could have unearthed my vehicle, I couldn’t have backed her over three feet of ice. FUCK!

I would have stayed home today but alas, we got live paychecks today. (Direct deposit was interrupted for one lousy week, and guess which week it had to be?!?!) And Goddess was literally down to her last two bucks so calling a cab was out of the question.

So I was hacking into the ice so hard that I scratched the HELL out of my car in my frustration. You should see it — it’s an atrocity. Not to mention that pole I sideswiped as I skidded on the ice Tuesday night. *sheesh* I think that’s what’s upsetting me most. I don’t deal with all that, “Well, at least I’m alive” bullshit — my car is RUINED! WAAAHHHH!!!

Strangely and happily, a neighbor I’d never met before offered me a ride to work, which YAY! She’s sweet and we exchanged phone numbers — ironic now that I’m moving out, but still. She gave me the lowdown on the sneaky charge the building makes when you renew — a $290 “renewal” fee that the Tenant Relations Board says is perfectly legal.


Now to take the check to the bank and cab it home. At some point, we’ll call it a day — a shitty one!

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