Trying to save my rage for tomorrow

“I don’t want to have to set you free
Don’t make me.”

— Blake Shelton, “Don’t Make Me”

Hanging out with my second family in Orlando. Loving it.

Didn’t officially take tomorrow off. I will probably be working from the pool at the timeshare.

It kills me that everything’s a crisis and the world doesn’t stop for me to take a day off.

Maybe I will ease up tomorrow. What’s a day, right? The world won’t stop turning. No matter how much people tell me it will and no matter how much I hear the equivalent of “You’ll never work in this town again” because I am not through my massive to-do list enough to do more.

I swear if the right guy asks me to marry him and quit my job, I’m not saying no.

God I hope that guy exists. And that I meet him tomorrow. At the timeshare pool, preferably. I could get used to this life.

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